The road to recovery has been long and treacherous, but progress is not held captive to time-sensitive parameters. 2ndbestfriend has found himself slowly progressing as he discovered that whole wheat products have triggered alot of his symptoms. A special low-fiber diet, along with the avoidance of whole wheat products has caused the ihatetwins star to recover at a much faster rate.
"I think I will release pictures of what I went through soon, but for now I will speak on my recovery and what I still deal with til this day."
His morning routine consists of taking 15 vitamins that are time-capsuled. The vitamins serve as redundancy in the event that his body does not absorb nutrients during the digestive process. The musical artist also puts a vitamin - b12 concentrated shot inside of his daily water jug to give him energy throughout the day. Also in that jug, you'll observe a severely watered down Gatorade or Vitamin Water.
"It doesn't taste the best, but I am able to function if I consistently nurse nutrients throughout the day. I feel like I am at 70 percent capacity and I am super grateful. I have a newfound appreciation for life and my perspective has completely changed for the better. I am almost ready to show my face again because I don't actually look ill anymore. I admit that the upkeep is insane just to be able to function on the daily. There's alot I have to do to be able to be functional, but I am not complaining at all."
As far as the lingering symptoms, 2ndbestfriend still periodically experiences flare-ups with the following:
>Random Exhaustion, Fatigue
>Brain Fog
>Aggressive Mood Swings
>Loss of balance
>Stress and Anxiety
>Muscle Tremors
"I'm big on mental health. I have been meditating and clearing my mind by listening to Ocean Sounds and Rain Sounds on Spotify. I have even created playlists that have helped me get through my rough times. I have shared them with the world and now have become someone who advocates for mental health. The brain is a muscle and it needs to be rehabilitated just like every other organ in the body. There is no shame in the game; it's completely normal and needs to be discussed. It has literally saved my life as my mental health was semantically affecting my physical health. I never knew certain emotions could aggressively trigger visible symptoms. Only when I got my mind right, I started to get my body back. I am very optimistic with what my future holds."
If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact 1(800)-273-TALK {8255}. Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confidential and toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals.